Paul McCartney signs petition against animal testing for cosmetics

Thursday, March 10, 2011 7:01 AM By dwi

Paul songster has proclaimed his support for BUAV's No Cruel Cosmetics campaign to end animal investigating for instrumentation and aesthetical products sold in the EU.

"Animals should not suffer in the study of beauty. Testing toiletries and cosmetics on animals is unkind and unnecessary. Join me in signing the BUAV's petition to ensure the sale of unkind products in the EU is outlawed by 2013. Say NO to Cruel Cosmetics," songster said in a statement released Thursday. 

 Despite UK and EU bans on the use of animals to effort cosmetics and toiletries, aesthetical companies are ease allowed to delude products within the EU that hit been tested on animals in another parts of the world. An import and income forbiddance on animal tested products in the EU is cod to come into gist in 2013.  

An online petition is acquirable at The signers include McCartney. The petition module be dispatched to the dweller Parliament. 

Campaign website:

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