SXSW 2011 Review: 'Detention' is a mind-numbing, jumbled explosion of style

Sunday, March 13, 2011 9:01 PM By dwi

Joseph Kahn's first film, Torque, was a nonsensical action poem shapely around the concern of illegal bike racing (or something).  This is a administrator prizewinning famous for his impact in music videos and commercials, and with Detention, he's been presented liberated reign to put every he's got into a wink without some interference:  no studio, no meddling writers, no restrictions-- this is every Kahn, for meliorate or for worse.  So, what did he become up with?  Only the most confusing, overly-stylized, freakish wink that I've seen at SXSW this year.  But is that a beatific thing?  Read on for the flooded review, my gentle Examiner readers...

When I saw the lodging for carpenter Kahn's Detention, I was carefully intrigued.  Elements from the sci-fi, horror, and comedy genres could be seen colliding with digit another, and the imagery itself was evenhandedly compelling:  robot-bears, UFO's, slashers, teenaged comedy archetypes, on-screen animations, and more every factored into the lodging that SXSW liberated ahead of the film's premiere.  The lodging had finished its job:  it fascinated me sufficiency to add Detention to my already-crowded SXSW schedule.  

Prior to the screening, I institute myself stagnant in distinction with HitFix's histrion McWeeny.  I've been reading McWeeny's impact for eld on Ain't It Cool News and, and it was an unconditional pleasure to attain the dude's acquaintance.  We agreed that the Detention trailer looked interesting, but we spent the eld of our conversation conversation most everything but Detention.  If I had it to do over again, I would've asked more questions most the wink we were most to see:  maybe then McWeeny could hit reminded me that carpenter Kahn's the man who directed Torque, and that strength rattling substantially hit convinced me to hollow discover of that distinction patch I had the chance.

Joseph designer is an realised administrator of music videos and commercials, but after sight bits and pieces of Torque (just sufficiency to undergo that Torque is not-- by some debase of the imagination-- a beatific film) and today Detention, I think that Kahn's forthcoming module rattling probable remain in music videos and commercials.  Or, at the rattling least, films that don't climb scripts with Kahn's fingerprints on them:  Detention is obnoxiously frantic, busy to countenance at and shout when it should be steady, overly-stylized in nearly every frame, and a rank trainwreck where the script's concerned. 

There were full stretches of the wink where I wasn't sure what was going on, and when I started to suspect that this was existence finished on purpose, I change myself motion against Detention completely:  there's something to be said for onerous standardisation and rapid-fire imbibe society references (see also: Juno), but those category of things exclusive impact when the person behindhand the camera (and the script) has a concern appendage on how they're arriving on-screen, and why:  you can cover your wink with call and lightning-fast wordplay, but it's gotta be in assist of something, and it's gotta be digestable.  Without that modify hand, you're just shotgunning references to the 90's, lettered winks most Apostle Swayze movies, in-jokes most music classics, and "wacky" surreality onto the screen, hoping that it'll every add up to something grouping module call "stylish" and "clever". 

This is the category of wink where digit doesn't describe the strategy so such as they itemize off the things that materialize in the film:  somehow, a masked killer (who's a case from a film-within-a-film called Cinderhella), a time-machine prefabricated discover of a assume statue, a cheerleader obsessed with the 90's, a sheik who's been in confinement for 19 years, a girl with a broken leg, a sleazy principal played by European Cook (!!!), amateur porn, the unending effort between Apostle Swayze and Steven Seagal, a phantom with a liking for practical jokes, and a river who strength also be an alien every bourgeois into the "plot".  I'm at a rank loss to wage a paragraph-long account of the film's storyline, but I could itemize off the elements that attain up the strategy for three or four more paragraphs. 

That, of course, is an indication that Detention is every style, no substance.  Every time I intellection I had a appendage on what the wink was or what it was disagreeable to accomplish, added curveball came discover of nowhere and left me wondering if I'd understood the environs that preceded it.  The playscript seems to be prefabricated up of null but references to another things-- when it's not "homage-ing" (read: ripping off in that faux-Tarantino call that dominated the independent wink business post-Pulp Fiction) other, meliorate films-- and lemme verify ya:  that gets galling really, rattling fast.  I was never tired patch watching Detention, but I can't feature that I was entertained, either. 

There was a Q&A with the administrator after the film, and it took every cat of firmness in my body to not improve my assistance and say, "What the f-ck was that?!" (one never wants to be "that guy").  I conventional a some texts from another audience members after the film, every of whom were saying essentially what I'm telling you today (in fact, digit of them read:  "WTF was THAT?"), but from the sound of the theater I saw the wink with, I'm in the minority:  grouping were laughing enthusiastically through the screening, and applauded shortly after a some key moments.  Then again, there were points where the film's playscript did surprise a chuckle or digit discover of me, so maybe I'm putting likewise such hit into the crowd's response.  It'll be rattling engrossing to wager what the online reaction to Detention is in the days ahead:  if null else, it'll be a divisive film.

Kahn mentioned during the Q&A that he wrote the wink without some studio locomotion up his ass.  He put everything he had into the wink (literally and figuratively), wanting to wager what he'd become up with when not having to hit his vision of someone else's programme or having to study a studio's notes.  If that's true-- and I hit no think to believe that it isn't-- I've gotta wish that Kahn's got it discover of his system now.  If designer was working with a enthusiastic script, I'd be curious to wager what the results are.  But this?  And Torque?  Not a beatific move to a career, modify if that occupation turns discover to reveal designer as an auteur to be reckoned with.

I'm nearly tempted to feature that you should wager the wink modify if you think it sounds annoying, if exclusive to hit a reference point for film-related conversations in the future.  Y'know, the kinda abstract where you'll say, "Yeah, it was confusing, but not as blurred as Detention", or "Yeah, that was surreal, but not as unreal as Detention":  as such as I didn't care for Kahn's film, I'll adjudge that I've never seen anything quite same it.  You strength feature that's admirable, and I'd tend to agree, but I hit to believe that crafting a wink around weirdness for weirdness' sake isn't to be admired.  Virtually anyone could indite an obscure script, arrange it with in-jokes, and wink it, but there'd hit to be more to it than that in order for me to actually same it, such inferior propose it.

A some another short thoughts before I twine this ogre up:  Shanley Caswell was enormously horny in her role (I mean, seriously:  Wow), and for reasons that remain blurred to me (I undergo it when I wager it, modify if I can't define "why");  European Cook was suitably unclean in his role as Principal Vanger;  there were a some two-to-three time stretches of the wink where I change same designer was most to vantage off something brilliant, exclusive to analyse him undermine himself with some incredibly poor choice moments later; the on-screen animations-- book messages materialize on-screen, talking gets subtitled in wacky fonts from time to time, a pre-title ordering featuring a case who gets killed off apace change same Ferris Bueller on meth with its narrated "rules" appearing over the footage-- were either really, rattling unarticulate or really, rattling clever.  Oh, and the think measured just same True Romance on many occasions. 

I wouldn't feature I hated Detention, but I definitely didn't same it.  It change more same an undergo than "me watching a movie".  I don't propose that you festinate discover and wager the wink when-- and if-- it hits theaters, but I module feature this:  if you ever become across Detention in your local recording accumulation (or property kiosk), I'd propose that you analyse it out.  Something this freakish and stylized-into-the-ground deserves to be seen by wink geeks only, though, and exclusive for the think that I mentioned before:  as a inclose of reference.  You won't see Detention, not completely, but it'll definitely give you something to speech most for a pair hours after it's had its way with you.

My grade?  Either a C+ or a D-, I can't decide.

If you want to grownup up on our SXSW programme thusly far, analyse discover our SXSW Diaries here, here, here, here, and here.  Or, if you wanna wager it every traded discover in a handy, easy-to-read itemize format, head on over to this tender for's rank SXSW 2011 coverage.

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