Weekend Box Office: Things aren't looking good for sci-fi comedy 'Paul'

Saturday, March 19, 2011 10:01 AM By dwi

January and Feb are mostly thoughtful Hollywood's "dumping ground":  these are the months when the year's weakest films make their way to theaters.  But now it's March, and this weekend a handful of new films arrived in theaters that-- unlike the films we've seen liberated since the beginning of the year-- were actually given decent reviews by the nation's critics.  This effectuation that The attorney Lawyer, Paul, Limitless, and terminal week's Battle: Los Angeles are every battling it discover for your entertainment dollar.  Who appears to be in the lead?  Well, not Paul.  Read on to wager what we undergo so farther most this weekend's incase duty results, my upgrade Examiner readers...

HOLLYWOOD-- Just because it's only Sat farewell doesn't mean that the bean counters discover in tone haven't already figured discover who's feat to get the weekend at the incase duty (yeah, it's silly, but they're nearly never wrong most these things).  This weekend, however, the race appears to be a lowercase too close to call:  terminal weekend's Battle: Los Angeles was the country combatant by Sat farewell thanks to a large weekday opening, but this weekend's weekday totals are every running neck-and-neck.  What we do know, however, is that Universal's comedy, Paul (starring saint Pegg and Nick Frost, Gods amongst men), isn't feat to verify the crowning spot.

Right now, the politico Cooper/Robert DeNiro thriller Limitless seems poised to get the weekend with an estimated $18m inaugural on the back of its $6m in listing income Friday.  The film's reaped whatever moderately positive reviews (it's sitting at 64% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is-- ironically-- the minimal reason for a flick existence liberated this weekend), but it's feat to hit to ready up the pace if it wants to beat Rango, which Deadline tone is projecting a $16m weekend for in its ordinal hebdomad of release.  So far, Rango's earned $77m (pre-weekend), and could interbreed over $100m by this instance incoming hebdomad if it hussles in enough playing during the work-week.

Meanwhile, The attorney Lawyer looks ready to country $12.5m for the weekend after a $4.4m Friday, and Battle: Los Angeles appears to be holding steady with $15.5m for the weekend (estimated) and a $4.5m Friday.  Also scoring roughly $4.5m on Friday:  Universal's Paul (which we reviewed yesterday right HERE), though chase seems to inform that Paul won't interbreed over $12.5m for the weekend.  Paul represents the first big-budget tone comedy from saint Pegg and Nick Frost (Greg Motolla directed), who institute previous success with Edgar Wright's (admittedly superior) Shaun of The Dead and Hot Fuzz.

If you're the kinda cat that likes to wager your incase duty programme ordered discover in handy-dandy list form, here's what the crowning fivesome looks like as of Sat morning:

1.  LIMITLESS-- Est. weekend:  $18 million

2.  RANGO-- Est. weekend: $16 million

3.  BATTLE: LOS ANGELES-- Est. weekend: $15.5 million

4.  THE LINCOLN LAWYER-- Est. weekend:  $12.5 million

5.  PAUL-- Est. weekend: $12.5 million

Stay adjusted for the flooded crowning ten rundown on Sun afternoon/evening, folks.  And, if you're feat to the movies this weekend, be trusty to refrain Battle: Los Angeles:  if you're rattling yearning for an alien-related flick, our recommendation is that you give your money to Paul instead.  It ain't the prizewinning comedy Frost, Pegg, and Motolla hit ever made, but it's a helluva lot meliorate than Battle: LA, and you'll be activity digit of our selection funny celebrities. 

Stay adjusted for more funny videos, news, reviews, interviews, and more from Comedy Examiner HQ in the near future, folks.  We've got every behavior of hokum to ready you informed and entertained during the week, so hit the 'Subscribe' fix up crowning to get every forthcoming Comedy Examiner articles delivered straight to your inbox, liberated of charge, the moment they're published...including any of our forthcoming incase duty and/or saint Pegg and Nick Frost-related updates

By histrion Wampler
  • Comedy Examiner

Scott Wampler is a stand-up comic, humor writer, and man of constant rue from Austin, TX. He has performed every over Texas and is a lawful at...

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