Exclusive: Tokyo Disneyland guest shares Japanese earthquake details from park

Friday, March 11, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

If you effect been watching the news, an 8.8 earthquake effect Nihon Friday farewell and there has been mass destruction. The earthquake had an extraordinarily Brobdingnagian impact, including at the Yeddo Disneyland. Our beatific friend Ginny historiographer is at Yeddo funfair on vacation with her kinsfolk and is in the interior of the situation.

It has only been most threesome hours since the earthquake hit, but there is a aggregation of welfare in Yeddo funfair and the fate of the guests who were at the tract when the tremble hit. According to our friend, the guests in the Atlantic effect been aerated well, but the tremors move and are swing the visitors on edge.

Take a countenance at Earthquake photos from Yeddo funfair here.

Ginny emailed us most 10 minutes past from Yeddo Disneyland. Here is her candid aggregation from the tract as an eyewitness from the Yeddo funfair Resort.

So are you okay?

Ginny: We are fine. Bobby is here and so is Steven. The filmmaker patch members here were very aware of what to do and got us discover to open areas immediately. We had to wait a while, but we can’t complain.

Have you seen anyone added hurt?

Ginny: Nope. People at the tract are inconvenienced, but nobody seen hurt. We are calm and so is everyone else. Cast members and section helped us to land and everyone seems fine.

Reports are that the parking aggregation is flooded at Yeddo Disneyland, is this true?

Ginny: We haven’t seen the parking lot, but there is said to be stagnant water.

So tell us what happened.

Ginny: We were travel around the tract when the earthquake hit. It was strong and lasted several minutes. Warning sounds went off. We were settled in a innocuous area. There was a vexation of water reaching near to where we are, but it didn’t happen. It was unnerving to feature the least. The aftershocks ready reaching too. I lost calculate on the tremors. There are some grouping who are here.

Is the tract closed?

Ginny: Yes, we effect found meliorate connector and Yeddo funfair is closed. We don’t undergo where we will be after Stygian and it is near to 6 p.m. We effect money, matter is nearby and there isn’t a crisis like another parts of the country. We need the condition to get backwards to the hotel. The condition is down. We may effect to meet at the resort.

When are you reaching home?

Ginny: Too soon to say. We are cragfast for a some life and will attain the prizewinning of it. 



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