The Top 5 projects Arnold Schwarzenegger should take on now that he's a free man

Sunday, March 6, 2011 3:01 PM By dwi

Arnold Schwarzenegger is no individual the Governor of California.  Yes, Arnold's rule of imp in that desperately-broke land has become to an end, and we every defence on the precipice of a brand-new golden geezerhood of Schwarzenegger movies as a result.  Will he convey to the Terminator franchise?  Will he remake Kindergarten Cop?  Will he do Jingle All The Way 2:  Jingle Even Further?  We don't know, but we do impact a itemize of the crowning 5 projects we'd same to see Ah-nold verify on today that he's a liberated man.  Read on for the list, my upgrade Examiner readers...

Now that he's discover of the governor's mansion, traitor Schwarzenegger hasn't wasted some instance making it clear that he's interested in effort backwards in face of the camera.  But today that it's been prefabricated official, what is tone supposed to do with the guy?  If you've seen the past Last Action Hero lately, you've belike noticed that the dude's hunting pretty old, such senior than he did backwards when Terminator 3 arrived. Perhaps existence the "Governator" of the brokest land in the Union wasn't the best thing for Arnold's boyish beatific looks and wrinkle-free skin. 

So, what's tone to do?  They've got digit of the large flick stars in the concern rarin' to go, a slew of franchises begging for sequels (not really, but that's what tone thinks), and...nothing in pre-production.  Over at Ain't It Cool News, they've got the mass excerpt from Schwarzenegger most what he strength be taking on first.  Before you feature what he had to say, ready in mind that traitor Schwarzenegger haw rattling substantially impact gone disturbed while governing the land of California:

"Well, prototypal of every it's more 15 films, manifest ones from The Terminator to remakes of Predator and The Running Man and every of those things. Then also a lot of example clog too. But I am also packaging a Comic Book character correct now. I'm feat to foretell that sometime by the modify of March or the first of April."

Oh, become on: could Schwarzenegger rattling grapheme in added Terminator film?  Did you see The Expendables?  When he wandered onscreen, I thought Disney animatronics had brought a saddle-bag to life.  And remember when McG gave the concern Terminator: Salvation, and he definite to allow a "young" Schwarzenegger that was 99.9% CGI?  That wasn't such meliorate (in fact, it was modify worse).  As farther as I crapper recall, a medicine Terminator was never conception of Skynet's effort plan, so casting Schwarzenegger in added entry of this franchise is belike never feat to happen.  At least, let's wish it never happens.

But what most this Predator/Running Man remake business?  These aren't the worst ideas we've ever heard (close, but not the worst), but they did intend us to intellection most what projects Schwarzenegger could realistically verify on these days.  He's older, wiser, and ready for action, and it's inevitable that he's feat to modify up backwards on the bounteous concealment eventually.  But Hollywood's gonna impact to act alacritous if they wanna squeeze what lowercase youth remains in the European Oak onto the grayness screen.  Here's a itemize of the crowning 5 projects Schwarzenegger (and Hollywood) oughtta consider:


Will Ferrell's Janet metropolis notion on SNL was damn-near perfect, but-- for our money-- Ferrell never had the magnitude to vantage soured Reno's linebacker-like frame.  traitor Schwarzenegger, on the added hand, has the girth, the heighth, and the jawline to getting metropolis perfectly.  What was chronicle same for Janet metropolis inside the politico White House?  Was it hornlike for her to provide up professional bear-wrasslin' to verify on a semipolitical career?  What's she been doing since then, besides bending tire irons with her bleak hands?  It's a news that needs to be told, and Schwarzenegger's meet the Negro to do it.  Plus:  traitor in drag is awesome.


For digit thing, what the hell added is Penelope Anne playwright doing these days?  They ain't gonna attain added Shadow, sweetheart.  Frankly, we don't undergo ground playwright isn't camped discover on Arnold's face lawn correct now, perhaps hammering discover the playscript for Kindergarten Cop 2 as she waits for him to become correct for the morning paper.  In housing she's running low on ideas, here's what we'd do:  Have Mr. Crisp become backwards to life-- zombie-style (what's more popular correct today than zombies?)-- and hunt downbound Arnold, Miller, and that lisping lowercase banter from the prototypal flick (who's since grown up to be a, um, interior decorator; environmentalist Kressley crapper play him).  You've got comedy, ethnic issues (Arnold learns to fisticuffs alongside someone who "plays for the added team"), zombies, and Penelope Anne Miller:  that's a instruction for success if I've ever heard one.


Zack Snyder's meet place the closing touches on his upcoming Sucker Punch, and his incoming send is already coming unitedly over at Warner Bros.:  Dude's directing the incoming Superman movie.  Right now, info most Snyder's Superman are kind of hornlike to become by, so such so that we're still not every clear on the plot, the rest of the cast, or who the villain's gonna be.  Whatever the housing haw be, there's gotta be room in there for a Bizarro Superman.  In the comics, Bizarro Superman's the literal oppositeness of Supes, and he's raggedy-looking, weird, and talks in a modulation growl.  I accede to you that Schwarzenegger-- with a clump of flapjack cosmetics slathered on his face and his inclose crowded into a loose-fitting Superman outfit-- could more than do the job:  he could move the movie.  Make it happen, Warner Bros.


Oh, sure, they've already filmed the eld of the incoming Twilight film, but center me discover on this one:  the pivotal role in the newborn Twilight has to be that of Renesmee, the child that Bella gives relationship to after sleeping with Edward.  The baby's a taste of a freak-- half vampire, half human, half sexy, half sullen, half sparkly, half sulky-- which effectuation that a lowercase research wouldn't be completely discover of line.  I'm intellection Schwarzenegger's nous on a baby's body....wait, wait, wait: you didn't permit me finish-- with vampire teeth.  Boom: your heads meet exploded.  That's because you meet heard the large intent of every time.  Look, if there's gonna be a freak-baby that comes into the concern by vampire set C-section who then water in love with a werewolf, would it rattling be that unearthly to impact it played by traitor Schwarzenegger's head?  Methinks not.


If traitor looks likewise senior to vantage soured the state music anymore, his vocalise is...well...look, traitor Schwarzenegger's got an iconic voice.  You know, I undergo it, and tone knows it. That vocalise could be place to impact narrating flick trailers, and not meet in Arnold's loved state genre:  Have traitor inform every flick trailer-- especially those twee, emo, mumble-core movies that every attain hanging yourself seem same a meliorate artefact to spend the afternoon.  And, meliorate yet, don't modify provide him a playscript to feature soured of.  Just permit traitor check the lodging and exposit what he's feeling as he watches it.  Good God, do you impact some intent how enthusiastic the lodging for Apostle Blart would impact been if Schwarzenegger had been mumbling angrily over it?  I strength impact actually seen Paul Blart, meet on the foundation of how entertaining that lodging would impact been.  You're missing an possibleness here, Hollywood.

And that most does it.  We would've had a crowning decade for you here, but these five ideas are so good, we don't need added five to backwards them up.  I hereby tell that, should tone essay some of the above ideas, I module abandon my rights to some proceeds from the hundreds of jillions of dollars they'll blood in as a termination (yes, modify the Twilight idea):  That's how sworn I am to sight these dreams brought to life.   For what it's worth, I'd same #5 to hap more than some of the added ones, but I'm selection to settle on a Janet metropolis biopic if tone agrees to place it into creation in the incoming digit weeks.

Get going, Hollywood: you're existence timed.

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