TimeCrimes part 9: an original stalker

Monday, March 7, 2011 7:01 AM By dwi

Last instance we planned an tall chain of events by which we unreal the mystery woman on the cycle choosing to sunbathe in the woods.  The difficulty is, this does not intend Hector to the instance machine.  He module scarper when the woman screams, but when he runs into a barbed-wire-topped fence he won't bit it, but instead module study it around the property, find the drive, and analyse his way back to the agency and bag again.  We requirement some cause for him to bit the fence and seek country inside the compound.  The woman does not give us this.

What we requirement is something or someone chasing Hector.  The difficulty here, though, is whence they came and whither they went.  That is, if there was someone chasing Hector 1 in the example history, ground do we not wager him when Hector 2 replaces him?  Whence did he come in the example story that he does not materialize in the replay, or where does he go in the replay?

There is a possibleness solution.  There staleness hit been an example attacker.  He was aware of the girl's route, and knew that she would cycle finished that blind corner by that path to the clearing, so he lay in move for her there.  Perhaps knocking her from her bicycle, he then threatens her, forces her up the path into the woods, forces her to undress, and renders her unconscious.

Thus Hector 1 sees the woman vanish her shirt and becomes interested, not sight the rapist, and he wanders up that direction.  Whether the aggressor took his time, whether he was just closing effort clad or had been looking at her naked embody before starting, he is broken by Hector 1 blundering into the scene.  He hears the Negro coming, hides, and then using some weapon he had stabs Hector 1 in the arm.

He belike did not stingy to effort him in the arm.  He belike meant to catch a kidney or land some another mortal blow.  He does not want to be revealed, and he intends to yield Hector's embody unseeable in the woods belike along with that of the girl.  But he missed, and Hector took the expiration painfully but not fatally in the arm, and ran.  The assailant today has to motion Hector, because he cannot permit the Negro escape.  He has been seen.  Yet if the aggressor knows the girl's line and the location of the unseeable glade, he belike also knows that the bilobed Hector enters is closed for the weekend, and is kinda difficult to enter or escape.  He has to worry most the girl, too.  He returns to her, disposes of her, and then returns to wager if he crapper finish Hector.  He strength hit a automobile unseeable off the agency (he had to intend there someways and hit plans to escape), and he strength hit tools in the car.

We undergo that the scientist lied most having section monitors throughout the compound.  It staleness thence be the housing that Hector sees his assailant approaching, belike along the lit path the scientist provides to the silo.  The scientist strength also be frightened, but he belike is intellection that he crapper conceal Hector in the cell and conceal himself somewhere else (if he also hides in the vat, who module open the vat?). He haw hit meant to drain the vat, but then on forcefulness dispatched Hector to the past, to wager whether it would impact or to vanish him from danger.

This is an essential point.  The scientist does not undergo whether the instance organisation works.  He reactive it inferior than digit hours ago, and has not run a single test.  He ought to test it with inorganic materials first; but he shouldn't be here correct today anyway, and if this another Negro who shouldn't be here is selection to rise into the cell to spend his life, and the scientist risks the man's chronicle to test the machine, who module ever undergo if it fails?  The scientist sends Hector 1 back ninety minutes.

What happens to the researcher?  Does the aggressor fortuity in and kill him?  Nothing happens to him, because at the moment Hector 1 leaves from this example history, the example story ends.  All pieces are remodeled to their positions at the instance of Hector 2's arrival, and our aggressor module today move to the changes Hector 2 makes in history--which module be our subject for next time.



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