Tight Writing

Saturday, March 5, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

Poets ofttimes compliment apiece another by saying things like, "The poem was so tightly crafted." Even an outsider overhearing would be able to verify a guess most the meaning. Maybe they'd feature something like, "The poem utilised brawny words" or even "The poem didn't proceed likewise much."

One message of "tight" rests at the articulate level. This warning was improved in me, interestingly enough, finished my fractioned conversation with locals here in Bangkok, Thailand. I've institute it so much easier to transmit using only the text that matter.

"Two iced coffees" instead of "I'd same to hit two iced coffees."

The interactions with Thai grouping hit embellish so frequent that my betrothed and I ofttimes unintentionally speak to apiece another same this:

"I shower now, you later" instead of "I module get in the shower today and you crapper jump in after me."

The conversations hit led to me sight the "tightness" of language from another angle. Regardless of genre, some of the prizewinning pieces of composition are those without a lost word. Sentences where apiece articulate has a purposeful locate and if one articulate were condemned out the entire structure would crumble. Take, for example, Henry king Thoreau's oft-quoted, "The mass of men lead lives of stilly desperation." The declare says so much in much a compact way. Many an amatuer composition student has proven to intercommunicate this thought - and spent tender after tender doing so. Here, Thoreau uses nine text to capture the idea meet right.  My past professor, poet Jane Miller, erst said that she has spent weeks crafting a azygos phrase. Some would encounter this crazy. But ofttimes immovableness takes time.

As Blaise philosopher erst said: "I would hit cursive a shorter letter, but I didn't hit the time."

Poetry lessons crapper hap anywhere. I came here to Siam full expecting to fill my composition sensory tank with newborn images, sounds, smells and experiences. I didn't expect, however, to wager a warning I'd been doctrine for years manifest itself in my daily interactions. Be on the lookout. Be advertently aware.



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