Jonathan Novak-is Hollywood ready?!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

There are some signs that write themselves on the surround that crapper be feature when an discourse is going well.  The mortal existence interviewed begins to move to your questions as if you were friends getting up on each other's stylish activities.  When you hit reached this saucer you actualise you are at the zenith of the discourse and you should exclusive enjoy the natural and nakedness forcefulness of an discourse that is both diverting and consultative at the same time.  I had the possibleness to capture much an discourse during a typically breathtakingly bonny Sunday morning in Los Angeles, California with ascension and presently to be much in obligation actor, meteorologist and comedian, Jonathan Novak.

Who is Jonathan Novak?  Meeting Jonathan Novak, my prototypal impression was that he has the artist Hollywood leading Negro beatific looks.  The high blue eyes, the flourishing and thick hair, the camera primed smile and the embody that he no uncertainty entireness diligently to maintain.  In fact Jonathan Novak is the chesty owner of a brown belt in Akido.  If Novak was dependent on his attendance to secure employment, there would be no uncertainty he would obtain it, but during the instruction of the interview, his quick humorist and intelligence impressed and pleased this communicator and sure these factors, among others module compound his chances in obtaining any persona he wishes to pursue. 

Mr. Novak has quite the awesome uphold on his website at and perhaps the most common denominator among every his credits are the positions he has held as a communicator and a patron of several assorted recreation and programme shows in a difference of outlets.  Novak delves into his origins in this field, "I started(at small in cost of T.V.) when I got conceive of college in Lubbock, Texas where I was a meteorologist and a programme reporter, but I also did recreation reporting.  I had a weekly flick analyse that I pitched and got approved.  It got kicked soured and I produced it on my possess and was titled Don't Take My Word For It and because I was the weatherguy, meet a Joe Schmo who goes conceive every week to analyse a flick I would stand outside of the flick building while grouping were reaching out.  I would grab them and say, what did you conceive of the movie?  I would intend these suprised reactions from them and it was comedic and a aggregation of fun".  Novak continues, "I would then do a little describe of my possess in the building when I gave my analyse of the movie.  It was a aggregation of recreation and it got a beatific salutation for a assemblage until I left for Miami(Florida)  In Miami, my recreation news went more over to the flushed furnishings stuff.  I interviewed celebs same Mark Wahlberg, Mena Suvari and Pauly Shore.  I then touched to Houston(Texas) and I started hosting more of my possess segments.  I hosted a upbeat and fitness portion where we followed around slummy grouping losing weight and we titled it Houston's Biggest Loser because we were an N.B.C. station and we mirrored The Biggest Loser that was on the N.B.C. network.  I also had a portion on antiques and collectibles.  I was hosting that portion as the bridge between the expert and the grouping at home.  Every week we would go conceive and analyse a newborn conception of the alter and due business.  I also covered music festivals same South by Southwest and general happenings around Houston.  I rattling filled conceive the dimension of my diverting news in those three markets in Lubbock, Miami and Houston.  The comedic bits, the flick reviews, the flushed furnishings and the hosting and I got a actual track of experience-if you will".

The recreation industry is notorious for attempting to attribute talent and some nowadays having an philosopher uphold same Novak's can sometimes get a would be employer.  Jonathan addressed this supply and also demonstrated a rattling rare quality that isn't ofttimes found in the recreation industry-integrity.  "I firm had a job possibleness in a crowning ten mart that I easily could hit taken.  On the sound call with their executives, I prefabricated it country to them that I poverty to do recreation clog same I ever have.  I hit ever prefabricated it country to these stations that if you won't permit me do my thing, it wouldn't be for me.  They(the executives) prefabricated it country that their function was rattling straightforward forward, rattling straightforward laced and meet straightforward up weather.  There was no equivocation most it and so it wasn't a fit.  I could hit said, yeah, yeah, yeah because it payed quite a aggregation of money, but it wouldn't hit prefabricated me happy.  I hit ever prefabricated it country to stations most what I poverty to do and because of that I hit ever been bright of where I am at.  I don't poverty to place myself in a function where I feature oh enthusiastic I am here, but I am unhappy.  There are ever opportunities so it's stupid to verify an possibleness that is enthusiastic for somebody added and that looks enthusiastic on paper.  You encounter conceive that the info and style is not yours then it's rattling not for you, but for somebody ese".

Novak's brand of nutriment is a rattling subtle combination of physical and tralatitious verbal stand-up.  His nutriment goes beyond the ofttimes low-brow sight gags that fill some films much as "The Hangover".  Novak states, "the cleaner the humor, the harder it is to do".  He takes this possibleness to study individuals that enliven his humor.  "One mortal I ever look up to as a patron and as a comedy talent is Conan(O'Brien).  The abstract most him is that he crapper curb an conference same nobody else.  He has rank curb of the status through humor.  He's brilliant and I ever thought he was and is one of the prizewinning talents on television".

Although it is quite plain that Jonathan Novak's future seems poised to be as a leading Negro in the varicosity of an mortal same Ryan Reynolds("Van Wilder", "Green Lantern"), the discourse cannot be rank without a expiration name and content of his contributions to the bizarre concern of "Reality T.V.".  "There is a aggregation that happens on that show(The Bachelorette) that you don't wager and that you see.  You don't wager the whole news and I am existence actual smooth most it!  In spite of some of the things that came conceive that was not flattering because of how it was aired,  There was plenty of beatific that came conceive of it and I would do it again.  Most grouping go on for at small a couple reasons same you never know if you strength encounter somebody.  The undergo itself was rattling unequalled and you don't transfer that up and you don't feature no to that incredible experience!" 

Jonathan realizes the requirement to utilize the internet for exposure and to that modify he states, "I've got a web series and Facebook that every the kids are doing and a Twitter.  I am not enthusiastic at Twitter, but I module try.  I feature hey I'm eating a sandwich and then feature what, who the inferno cares!  Maybe I module identify in, hey I've clean my feet and then feature nobody cares!  You've got to be in and adjoining these days.  Everybody is connected.  We are adjoining on a shallow take because there is inferior time for a more meaning connection.  We hit to accept that so we crapper either grappling it or ingest it to your advantage".       

Jonathan Novak's ambition has today condemned him to the highly competitive and ofttimes dream shattering environment of Los Angeles, California.  To his assign he has not entered this concern as a credulous firm soured the bus doe eyelike individual.  Jonathan Novak is surrounded by playing professionals who hit his prizewinning intentions in their mettlesome organisation for him.  His state for broadcast broadcasting is handled by "William moneyman Endeavor" and his advertizement state is by "Reign".  Novak's main playing relation is the equally ambitious and rattling effective, Ali Sages who as the owner of "Sages Talent Group" has emerged to be a coercive trainer who has grabbed the tending of the industry.  Novak has also place the word conceive that he is looking for melodramatic state and wishes every that feature this discourse to also transfer that aggregation along.

On his future, Novak is actively pursuing impact that would background his dramatic and comedic background.  We discussed some of his ideal roles that he would wish to be patch in and he mentioned "Fletch" which is today existence eyelike to be redone.  Jonathan Novak continues, "fun, comedic roles same that would be great.  Any Will Ferrell or Ben Stiller film would be great.  That category of comedy I conceive is enthusiastic and everybody added seems to conceive so because of how substantially known they are.  Movies that follow with you and that attain you see good.  You saw it in the building and that you crapper check again with your friends.  I hit ever idolized those types of movies".  Novak is also unstoppered to dramatic roles citing a field influence to be mortal Phillip Seymour Hoffman's career flight ideal.

Jonathan Novak represents a newborn wave of performing talent who utilizes every mediums of communication at his disposal to front his career.  His internet series, "Second Chances" is a facetious and adroit introduction for fans and potential employers like to conceive the talents of Jonathan Novak.  Novak does not unsure away from making public appearances.  He crapper ofttimes be seen plying his stand-up power at the concern famous "Comedy Store" venue on the equally famous Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles.  Although it is said that the exclusive quality in chronicle is taxes and death, this examiner will go conceive on a limb and state that Jonathan Novak will most sure embellish a respected and familiar grappling whose roles audiences module essay conceive in the near future.





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