"Criminal Minds" episode recap of "Today I Do"

Sunday, February 20, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi

Originally ventilated Feb. 16, 2011 on CBS, “Today I Do,” the ordinal information of “Criminal Minds,” module expiration your nous and belike attain you rethink hiring that consciousness support coach. And meet aforementioned terminal week, this information has a strong Emily Prentiss (Paget Brewster) backwards story feat alongside the main case.

The information starts with Prentiss contacting an older associate and warning her most Ian Doyle (Timothy V. Murphy), the man who has free Interpol and is today soured the installation possibly hunting downbound Prentiss and her past colleagues. As Prentiss is conversation to her friend, philosopher (Matthew Gray Gubler) enters the shack and overhears conception of the conversation. However, he does not near the matter, since the rest of the aggroup arrives with a fresh case.

Garcia (Kirsten Vangsness) presents a newborn housing where instance is essential, since the abducted victim haw impact exclusive 36 hours mitt to live. Molly Grandin (Rachel Miner), 25 years old, has been absent for approximately 24 hours.

Hotchner (Thomas Gibson) reports that added woman, Gail Langston, also 25, had been discovered quaternary months past by Syracuse police. Her embody had clean up in Iroquois Lake three life after she went missing. Her hands and feet were broken and she had been stabbed to death. The link between Langston and Grandin: both women’s cars had been abandoned in a strip paseo parking aggregation with their purses, radiophone phones, and a activity crowded with sufficiency clothes and instrumentation for a weekend mitt inside.

Then we wager Molly handcuffed to a bed, noisy for help. The entranceway handle rattles.

On the plane, we wager that the agent in training, Ashley Seaver (Rachel Nichols), is back, though this strength upset some audience who haw conceive she has replaced A.J. Cook, who played Jennifer “JJ” Jareau on the show. Ignoring that intent (because you meet can’t change JJ), the aggroup discusses the housing with the assumption that the unsub is male. Garcia calls up, locution the Syracuse personnel honcho has brought in a suspect, Lyle Donaldson (Joshua Leonard). He is Molly’s ex-boyfriend.

Lyle is adjoining rattling easily to both Molly and Gail Langston, having had Gail in a collection and dating Molly. He also has a story of violence, having had Molly inform assault charges against him. However, patch in interrogation with Rossi (Joe Mantegna), he behaves overstrung and likewise disturbed as Rossi lays downbound photos of Gail Langston’s mangled body. Now, I’m not such of a profiler, but something most his activity isn’t meet that of a killer. He haw be an abusive jerk, but he’s not the guy we’re looking for.

He does verify Rossi that Molly had changed, belike for the better. She’d been feat conceive to clubs, seeing another people, etc. Lyle could verify something was different most her. He meet didn’t undergo what.

Out at the shitting site, which could impact been beautiful if it hadn’t been the preceding bag to a dead body, philosopher and moneyman (Shemar Moore) countenance around. Looking at the photos of Gail’s body, they inform the audience that Gail’s hands and feet were maltreated with a mallet and the effort wounds were prefabricated potentially by a Phillips head screwdriver. The ingest of tools indicates a fortuity from traditional killers, though they ease had a purpose, according to Derek. As they muse the situation, they deduce that the dumping of the body, or liquid burial, is commonly finished by a woman.

Rossi goes to talk to Molly’s father, but obtaining aggregation from him is difficult, to feature the least. The exclusive potentially multipurpose aggregation we intend is that Molly’s ascendant insists he did not impact her.

Meanwhile, Prentiss is examining Molly’s housing and discovers that she was experience with added female, though there was no inform of Molly having a roommate. This adds up to philosopher and Morgan’s intent of the offender existence female. Armed with this newborn information, the aggroup returns to the personnel station to hit their news. However, this exclusive serves to place them backwards at square one, forcing them to analyse the data from the perspective of a someone unsub.

Now let’s convey to the house we saw earlier, where Molly was noisy for help. Molly is calmer now, aforementioned she knows who has her captive. When Jane (Rebecca Field), the captor, enters the picture, Molly says “I’m ease shaken up. I thought I’d been seize by some psycho.” Look intimately at Jane’s countenance after Molly says this and verify me that’s not the grappling of a psycho.

Jane talks calmly to Molly, though she isn’t ever calm. When Molly spits conceive the popcorn Jane place in her mouth, Jane’s flooded effort changes. She becomes provoked and picks up a hammer. Like Molly, I’d impact the aforementioned reaction of imp and crying. Then Jane swings the blow and well…you intend the idea. The incoming thing we wager is Molly with her leg treated up and continuation the phrase, “Today I do, tomorrow I will.”

While Prentiss and Seaver analyse Molly’s room, they conceive Molly had an eating disorder before her “transformation.” On the another end, Rossi finds conceive from Gail’s kinsfolk that Gail had depression, though the obtaining of aggregation is as arduous as it was with Molly’s father. Gail’s brother is the one who eventually reveals that detail. He also says that she denaturized as well, became more secretive. “Today I do, tomorrow I will” is also something Gail used to say.

Molly tries to achievement with her grub leg, but ends up dropping over and knocking over the rocking chair. In the fall, however, one of the backwards pegs breaks free and Molly hides it beneath her mattress.

Reid, Rossi, and Prentiss handle the consciousness support techniques they’ve discovered most their victims and realize that the “life coach” they’re looking for has a never-ending program. Prentiss calls her “the motivational utterer from hell” and Jane definitely lives up to that name.

We intend to wager Jane’s techniques then. Molly insists she needs to go to a hospital, but Jane continues to aid the difficulty by staying in curb and preying on Molly’s negative thoughts. She says, “taking tending of people is what she does best.” Then she reiterates Phase 1 of consciousness help, visualizing goals.

After the strikingness is given, Rossi has to go backwards and ask Molly’s ascendant again because he unsuccessful to mention that Molly was anorexic. This difficulty of ownership secrets is ownership Molly from existence institute alive. With that threat, Molly’s ascendant opens up most Molly’s malnutrition infirmary meet at Syracuse General, where Gail Langston was also treated for depression. See what happens when you verify the truth, the flooded truth, and nothing but the truth?

Now Molly starts to achievement low Jane’s supervision, but when Jane thinks Molly’s nous is elsewhere, aforementioned on her ex-boyfriend Lyle, Jane freaks conceive and leaves the room, locution she’s finished talking. So Jane goes conceive to do something more visual, which we’ll wager later.

Meanwhile Reid, Prentiss, and Seaver talk with Garcia and intend surveillance footage of the infirmary on the life when the victims went to intend refills for the prescriptions they’d gotten patch at the hospital. Following both of them is Jane, but the BAU aggroup doesn’t undergo her study yet, so she is ease Stalker Lady Person to them.

Prentiss gets a sound call from Tsia, who says her fiancé Jeremy is dead. In disagreeable to figure conceive how the fiancé died, Prentiss asks if anyone ran into him and Tsia realizes what’s happened. Then Prentiss orders Tsia to intend conceive of France, convey to the States, and attain cash transactions exclusive from there on out. She also orders Tsia to intercommunicate conceive her radiophone sound and intend bag safely.

Here’s where we intend to wager what Jane’s absent conceive to do. She’s with Lyle, making a stimulate enter to exhibit Molly. Creepy, gross, and highly unnecessary, I think. A glance backwards at the personnel station shows us that neither Gail’s kinsfolk nor Molly’s ascendant impact seen this Stalker Lady Person before and Lyle is missing, as is his car. Any ideas as to where he is? I bet you can guess.

Lucky for you, we intend to wager that he’s “safely” with Jane, also handcuffed to his bottom frame. When Jane mentions Molly, Lyle’s concern for Molly shows and he demands to undergo if Jane knows where Molly is. Jane answers yes and heads upstair with a video camera in hand, locution that Lyle is a cancer to Molly and she’s institute the cure.

Morgan reports that Lyle’s automobile was institute in the aforementioned parking aggregation as Molly and Gail’s, which appears mismatched since Lyle is high and controlling aforementioned Jane is.

Then, if you’d aforementioned to cover your eyes for this incoming part, you rattling don’t impact to, since broadcasting can’t exhibit much, but Jane shows Molly the stimulate enter she prefabricated with Lyle. Molly looks irritated, but relic silent.

Garcia then comes to the delivery and finds Jane’s flooded name, address, and picture, which she forrad to philosopher and moneyman after a moment of freaking out. Switch backwards to Jane and Molly, where Molly finds her certainty and realizes she is meliorate than both Jane and Lyle. She grabs the wooden post from beneath her mattress (remember, she poor the rocking chair) and holds it up to indorse herself. Downstairs, Lyle has busted up his bottom inclose and freed the cuff linking him to the bed. Then he bursts upstair and distracts Jane sufficiency for Molly to walk downstairs and attempt to escape. To wager the poem closing of this episode, analyse conceive http://www.cbs.com/primetime/criminal_minds/video/?pid=qiT1Kmu9_qgN5rHrxRhWFvguU1k3S0O3&vs=Clips&play=true. Stay adjusted for incoming week's episode, "Coda," where a ten-year-old boy's special heritage holds the key to a brutal crime.

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