ABC courting controversy with their new comedy 'Good Christian B-tches'

Sunday, February 27, 2011 10:01 AM By dwi

ABC's not a meshwork famous for programming edgy material, so we're wondering what the network's thinking with its newest show, a dramedy from Sex and The City's executive producer titled Good faith B-tches.  Casting for the show's already started, and the title's probable to be changed, but with Sh-t My Dad Says and Good faith B-tches taking up expanse in primetime, are we sight a easygoing knowledge towards profanity?  Read on, my upgrade Examiner readers...

Yes, yes, we know that Good faith B-tches is rattling probable to hit its denomination denaturized daylong before its primetime achievement on ABC, but that's also what we intellection when Sh-t My Dad Says was announced.  Despite the fact that some acknowledged that CBS would modify the denomination on that William Shatner-led sitcom, the title's remained the same, and-- amazingly enough-- the concern didn't kibosh turning.  While we conceive it's modify inferior probable that ABC-- as family-friendly a meshwork as there's ever been-- would permit the denomination stand, it does raise a question:  Are we effort more easygoing most profanity?

Back in the mid-90's, NYPD Blue scored a bunch of headlines by featuring partial nudity (mostly Dennis Franz' ass) and reddened discourtesy (Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the articulate "sh-t" attain its primetime entry thanks to that series?), and over the past decade, it seems same grouping hit only gotten more easygoing most their looking on "naughty words":  Consider the fact that the "F-bomb" utilised to be a sure-fire artefact to earn an R-rating from the MPAA, but now digit "F-bomb" is allowed (assuming it's not utilised in the sexual sense) per PG-13 movie.  Also consider Sh-t My Dad Says:  we're ease kinda astonied they permit that denomination stand.

With Good faith B-tches, though, we're sight something a lowercase different:  this is ABC, a meshwork that shies away from dirty material, bad language, and grown situations.  It's obvious that ABC module hit to modify the title, but it's awful that they're modify casting the exhibit low that name.  In constituent to the discourtesy of the title, there's also the churchlike aspect:  One has to wonder what faith fundamentalists-- or, let's face it, most Christians-- module attain of the articulate "b-tch" existence related with their religion-of-choice.  And again:  the fact that ABC's the meshwork courting this disceptation is meet bizarre.

Who knows?  Perhaps this is a marketing plot on behalf of ABC:  Without that title, you crapper look your ass (excuse me:  @$$) that we wouldn't be discussing this exhibit here at Comedy Examiner HQ, and it's probable that some other media outlets module also provide the exhibit a lowercase more ink with that employed title.  Perhaps ABC's meet disagreeable to physique sound most their newborn series, with the understanding that the denomination module modify once the blast gets a lowercase too hearty for ABC's liking.  Courting disceptation for headlines isn't a newborn thing, especially in Hollywood.

It's worth noting that we here at Comedy Examiner HQ module never see the stigma bespoken to profanity:  text only hit as much noesis as you provide them, and the articulate "sh-t"-- patch belike not pertinent for nice company or patch discussing, say, the defy with your grandparents-- has been a linchpin on British television for years.  South Park has also utilised the word-- and the articulate "b-tch", which we'll adjudge has a assorted connotation-- on the air without anyone existence harmed.  We don't see the bounteous deal, but then again, we're not the majority.

What do you think, folks?  Will Good faith B-tches see a denomination modify rather or after (it doesn't seem remotely possible that it'll stay, so those are your choices)?  Are you Christian, and if so, are you displeased by the title?  Will you check the show?  Sound soured in the comments country below, and stay adjusted for more on Good faith B-tches as it becomes available, folks.

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