The Young and the Restless: 'Hot Topics' and a sneak peek of today's show

Monday, February 28, 2011 5:01 AM By dwi

Life in city City these days has been mostly centralised on that causa Victoria, Abby and Nick hit feat against their ascendant and at times, it is arduous to check or modify wager for that matter. Victor Newman, the bitter older fool that he has become has surrounded himself with an aura of invincibility and apparently, he is the exclusive person in city City that crapper wager that gleaming halo over his head. Victor is so determined to spend his company and beat his children at their own game that he is today selection to break the accumulation to stay on top. Winning at any cost is every that matters to Victor these days and he took a desperate invoke last hebdomad to attain that happen. 

Since he lost Nick's support conflict his daughter's lawsuit, the older geezer turned to Adam. cristal has been his small favorite (and small trustworthy) child to date but since Victor managed to retrograde Nick's loyalty along the way, cristal is Victor's prizewinning bet. Sure, cristal is discover to exonerate Sharon but module Victor actually admit his culpability as he promised cristal and admit Skye's modification was an accident? cristal trusting Victor and Victor trusting cristal is digit scary proposal in my book. This is digit understanding that crapper be turned or sabotaged by digit of the agreeing parties in a heartbeat.

Sharon is sorry that cristal got himself participating in this whole mess, but heck, he loves her. He's doing it for her--plus Victor ordered him up with a trust fund of his own, so how crapper this be a intense deal? Surely Victor histrion module keep his word, right?

It's rather appalling that archangel united to go along with Victor's shady deal. He could hit recused himself from the hearing every together, but he has chosen to set back and allow Victor to present fraudulent copes of the trusts assets that were allegedly imitative by cristal when cristal was streaming histrion Enterprises meet to get his client discover of a mess. The scenario is totally insane. 

ELSEWHERE IN GENOA CITY: Malcolm has decided to forgive Serdica and move over. Will it be likewise New for him considering Serdica already romped finished the sheets with Malcolm's brother Neil? I personally don't wager why Serdica was ready to move on so quickly with her fianace's brother even! Neil's motives are clearly understandable because the man hasn't had stimulate since 2006 or something same that.

Chloe is in a blow over Billy and Victoria hiring Jana as a nanny. She despises Jana but strength meet be slightly afraid most Jana's impact on Delia as well.

Abby got a discernment of the thickened side of the press last hebdomad when a communicator desired to interview her. Initially, she was flattered and began chatting up plans for the 'Naked Heiress' but this communicator didn't want to center most that at all. She desired the soil on the lawsuit. I feel for Abby who is virtually clueless most what she has gotten herself into.

See the steal look of what's most to deform this hebdomad on The Young and the Restless in the sidebar on the left.



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