Kate Gosselin: Star of 'Kate Plus 8' talks Miley Cyrus differences between shows

Thursday, February 17, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

The actuality star, Kate Gosselin of the impact attention show, Kate Plus 8, and the time Jon and Kate Plus 8 exhibit was interviewed on a talk show, aptly entitled, The Talk. In the newborn interview, Gosselin discusses the major disagreement between her actuality show, and that of Miley Cyrus', Hannah Montana.

As blogs.mcall.com reports, Gosselin said the disagreement between Cyrus's exhibit and her possess is that "we're not scripted, we're living it." She went on to feature that she is bright with the show, and what that has meant to her family. Gosselin revealed: "I am still the parent on camera and soured camera. I impact zero regrets." Gosselin also explained that the exhibit has helped her kinsfolk to impact enthusiastic experiences: "my kids impact cosmopolitan the world."

Kate Gosselin and her ex-husband Jon Gosselin impact enjoyed such success with their time impact TV show, Jon and Kate Plus 8, and now that Kate Plus 8 has been a success as well, it would seem that Gosselin module rest astir within the concern of actuality TV. Jon Gosselin in the time has said that he regretted having his children grapheme on their actuality shows, whereas Kate Gosselin has just recently revealed that she has no regrets.

What do you conceive most the comments that Kate Gosselin had to feature most the differences between the time Miley prince show, Hannah Montana and Kate Plus 8?


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