Who better to predict the Oscars than...a cross-eyed possum? It's happening.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 8:01 AM By dwi

Next Sunday, the Academy Awards module unfold somewhere in downtown Los Angeles, and every of Hollywood is inactivity on pins and needles to wager if The King's Speech crapper depose The Social Network for a win.  It's digit of the most heated accolade campaigns in history, and-- at this point-- it's anyone's surmisal as to who'll take bag the crowning prize.  You undergo who's not unsure, though?  A cross-eyed marsupial from Germany, who's predicting the Oscars this assemblage for your entertainment.  Read on for the news, my gentle Examiner readers...

Just a period or so ago, photos and recording of Heidi the cross-eyed marsupial started high the internet (and, in every likelihood, your inbox: over a dozen grouping dispatched in the recording of Heidi to Comedy Examiner HQ).  Like the "Dramatic Chipmunk" or the "Sad Keanu" meme, the "Heidi the Cross-Eyed Possum" meme was a bounteous care for a little while there, but she'd been every but irrecoverable about until today, when it was announced that Heidi would be predicting this year's Oscars.

Yes, you read that correctly:  a cross-eyed, Teutonic marsupial is predicting this year's Academy Awards.  Apparently, someone's hoping to duplicate the laugher success of Paul, the nation octopod that predicted the World's Cup apiece assemblage over the past decennium (Paul died terminal year, and haw he rest in eight, super pieces).  Heidi's predictions module be a conception of the pre-Oscar show that ABC is currently thinking on airing, and module be filmed in Germany. 

Here's what they're locution about the stunt over at the BBC:

Officials at metropolis Zoo, where Heidi lives, feature she module appear on the "Jimmy Kimmel Show" on the US network ABC on Oscars night.

Details of her lessen are private but it seems she module be predicting the honor winners.  Producers of the show haw be hoping she crapper emulate the success of added Teutonic honor creature, Apostle the Octopus.

So, if you're willing to hold soured on placing your accolade bets until Sun evening, you strength wanna consider seeing what Heidi has to say.  Obviously, there's no conceive to conceive that a cross-eyed, Teutonic marsupial is some meliorate at predicting the accolade winners than, say, you are, but it's belike more reliable than making your bets supported on the predictions of, say, Billy Dubya (who has been scientifically proven to be decade times dumber than the cipher possum). 

What do you think, folks?  Will Heidi have some success production this year's accolade winners?  Will Heidi change Apostle the Octopus as our go-to psychic-animal-who-predicts-things?  Sound soured in the comments section below, folks: we wanna undergo what you conceive about every this!

Stay tuned for more funny videos, news, reviews, interviews, and more from Comedy Examiner HQ in the near future, folks.  We've got every manner of hokum to keep you informed and entertained during the week, so impact the 'Subscribe' fix up crowning to intend every forthcoming Comedy Examiner articles delivered straightforward to your inbox, free of charge, the time they're published...including some of our forthcoming Oscar-related updates.



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