Volkswagen Jetta ads vs. Darth Vader commercial: Which is better?

Saturday, February 19, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

While Volkswagen’s Darth Vader advertizement has achieved rockstar position since the Super Bowl, it isn’t just the most trenchant TV advertizement in the company’s line-up.

That honor should belike go, instead, to threesome Jetta commercials that hit been getting substantially inferior press, modify though they’ve been transmission for months. One emphasizes the baritone toll of Jettas, added highlights the country features, the third Jetta advertizement shows the backseat legroom.

Those threesome Jetta commercials do what the Darth Vader advertizement belike doesn’t â€" yield audience with rattling country ideas most the car.

Think most it same this: What’s the first abstract that comes to nous when you conceive most the Darth Vader commercial? If you’re same most people, it’s the artful kid. And ground not â€" the advertizement is adorable.

That’s ground it was the best-liked advertizement of the 2011 Super Bowl, according to Nielsen.

But, did the blot yield you intellection most the Volkswagen Passat’s far ignition feature? I’m sporting not. The Darth Vader advertizement didn’t modify attain the top 10 of Nielsen’s most-recalled Super Bowl commercials. (“Most-recalled” refers to how likely the viewer was to recall the limited brand mention in a commercial).

On the another hand, the Jetta commercials apiece intercommunicate a simple, but limited communication that is hard to miss, modify though every threesome are also entertaining.

  • “Moonlighting” features a teen Negro employed a program of acerbic menial jobs â€" rodeo clown, punching dummy, infirmary orderly, etc. â€" as he pines for the new Volkswagen Jetta. He counts his cash, inactivity until he’s earned sufficiency to buy the car. Finally, he sees a clew business the price, $15K, and he quits because he has the money to buy two of them.
  • “Split Second” shows a Volkswagen Jetta undergoing a break test, with an actual mortal behindhand the wheel, instead of a dummy. As the airbag deploys, a talker explains that the smartest abstract a mortal crapper do in a break is invoke off the ignition, unlock the doors and invoke on the jeopardize lights. Or, intend a automobile same the Jetta that does every that for you.
  • “Backseat Dancer” digitally puts concealment legends Donald O’Connor and Gene Kelly in the backseat of a Jetta, doing something resembling a Riverdance to the snappy tempo of “The Bomb” by Pigeon John.  The analyse from the face centre hunting backwards clearly shows that the backwards of the Jetta has sufficiency shack to move around as much as you want.

Watch them and see for yourself how easily you remember what apiece blot was highlighting.

The Darth Vader advertizement and the threesome Jetta spots were every produced by business authority Deutsch LA, which handles Volkswagen’s accounts.

As always, I’d same to hear from you, readers, most your reaction to the Darth Vader advertizement vs. the Jetta commercials.

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