Top 5 things Right-Wingers can be angry about Re: Obama's Superbowl interview

Sunday, February 6, 2011 7:01 PM By dwi

If you're a Right-winger-- or a Left-winger-- you belike watched FOX News' discourse preceding to this afternoon's Superbowl.  FOX personality Bill O'Reilly (last seen wondering most the moon, the tides, and how God fits into it all) sat downbound with the underway Commander-in-Chief for an exclusive discourse before today's bounteous game, and we've place unitedly a accessible itemize for every the Right-wingers discover there who aren't trusty what they're questionable to be provoked about.  Read on for the list, Right-wingers and upgrade Examine readers...

Greetings, Right-wingers!  We don't normally pay a lot of instance conversation to digit another-- you hit no ingest for videos wherein idiots intend struck in the testicles with blunt objects, and I hit no ingest for your unceasingly acidic-bordering-on-racist rhetoric and "The sky is falling!" attitude-- but today I conceive I've figured discover a artefact for us to pay whatever instance together.  As you strength hit heard, FOX sent Bill O'Reilly to the White House to discourse our President (Barack Obama, in housing you weren't aware) preceding to the Superbowl this afternoon, and the results were...interview-y.

See, the discourse itself didn't really consent whatever startling new information, and modify when O'Reilly was understandably attempting to manipulate the President's feathers (y'know, aforementioned the time where he persisted in informing Obama that grouping "hated" him) the Commander-in-Chief kept it cool.  Chances are, you've seen the discourse and today you're stumped as to what you should be provoked about.  There's ever something, of course, but what is it this time?  Unlike whatever interviews, appearances, or speeches, Bill O'Reilly's Superbowl discourse with President Obama doesn't directly substance up whatever obvious things to be maddened about...or does it?

That's what we're here for.  You're angry, but you don't undergo what you're provoked most (y'know, moreso than usual).  You saw the President on the TV machine, and you undergo that effectuation you're questionable to be outraged (Glenn Beck told you so-- he modify cried most it!), but you can't quite place your finger on what you're having a sound over.  Relax:  I've got you covered.  Below, you'll find our itemize of the top fivesome things you, too, crapper be maddened most re: Bill O'Reilly's discourse with President Obama (you crapper also analyse discover the discourse over there on the left, meet in housing you uncomprehensible it).  Ready to watch where your emotion should go?  Good, let's intend started...


Because you're a Righty, you heard most this brouhaha that erupted on Bill O'Reilly's exhibit a few weeks ago.  You remember:  Bill O'Reilly claimed that the moon-- and the tides-- evidenced the existence of God.  I mean, how added would you vindicate the fact that we hit a tidal grouping and a moon?  Science?!  That's absurd, sir, and I conceive you're belike meet high.  Real Righties undergo that there's a direct unification between God, the moon, and our oceans...and that exclusive Bill O'Reilly is Negro (or conversation head) sufficiency to call the slug discover on it.  Stupid moon.  Always sitting there, so smug.

But President Obama straight-up avoided the flooded issue.  Here was Obama's quantity to vindicate to the world-- and to Bill O'Reilly-- that he's known every along that a unification between God, the moon, and the tides exists...and he didn't verify it.  What are you disagreeable to hide, Obama?  Why won't you verify the actuality most the slug and its relation with God?  What are you scared of?  Only Bill O'Reilly knows.


Here's digit I'm trusty you've already intellection of, but we're feat to itemize it here, anyway.  Y'know, meet in housing there are whatever another Righties discover there who didn't notice.  I dislike to be the digit to fortuity this horrifying programme to them, but here's the situation:  President Obama-- that's right:  President Obama-- didn't dress a bond during his discourse with Bill O'Reilly.  I know, I was outraged by this, too.

You and I undergo that the President staleness ever dress a tie, and that not act a bond is a direct indication that President Obama A) hates America, B) wants to kill your Grandma, C) is a info Communist, D) is also a info Kenyan, E)  is also a info Muslim fundamentalist, and F) that it also indicates that President Obama has no respect for Bill O'Reilly, FOX News, or the American people.  That's a flooded clump of reasons to be angry, guys, so you meliorate intend started now.  Write whatever provoked comments most it; you'll see better.


When asked who he intellection strength get today's bounteous game, President Obama declined to answer, locution that he obstructed wondering when the metropolis Bears forfeited their quantity at activity in the Super Bowl.  Well, I don't conceive I requirement to verify you that this effectuation that President Obama hates America.  I mean, it's obvious.


This wasn't an unsual amount of blinking, digit artefact or another: not likewise much, not likewise little.  But as we every know, someone who blinks exactly 124 nowadays over the instruction of an discourse is a Communist.  This is science, people-- though not the aforementioned power that explains the tides, status change, or evolution-- so don't modify conceive most arguing with the logic here.  But that's not the poorest part.

The poorest conception is this:  If you countenance extra carefully, you'll see that Obama's 124 "blinks" are actually morse cipher that spells discover the phrase: "I-H-A-T-E-A-M-E-R-I-C-A-A-N-D-W-A-N-T-T-O-D-E-S-T-R-O-Y-I-T-P-R-A-I-S-E-A-L-L-A-H".  If you don't conceive me, rewatch the recording on the mitt and calculate the blinks.  I dare you to verify me I'm wrong on this one.  Glenn Beck will hit a flooded perturbation of the blinks-- and what it every means-- on his sheet tomorrow salutation on The Glenn Beck All-Crying Variety Hour.


All along, us Righties hit been expecting Obama to do his exemplary "political fatcat" thing:  to not respond a single discourse that Bill O'Reilly asks, to refrain the truth, and to generally move liquid until the instance alotted for the discourse ran out.  Well, you're never gonna conceive this, but Obama actually answered the questions that Bill O'Reilly asked him.  Seriously:  Bill O'Reilly asked Obama questions, and he meet sat there...answering 'em.  Like that's what we wanted him to do or something.

The flooded abstract is a galdarned outrage, my friends. 

So, there you hit it:  fivesome perfectly commonsensible reasons to be completely infuriated at President Obama on Superbowl Sunday.  He thinks he's so smart, doesn't he?  What with his improving approval ratings and his attempts to attain chronicle meliorate for Americans.  It's a shame.  Really, watching Obama during his discourse with Bill O'Reilly, every I could conceive most was how such meliorate everything would be if wife Palin were in office.  Or, meliorate yet, if we had Dubya back.  Weren't things so such meliorate when Dubya was in charge?  Those were the days.

In housing you've uncomprehensible our another Superbowl Sun coverage, here's what's been feat on:

Here's the Captain America trailer. 

Here's the Super 8 trailer.

Here's the Transformers 3 lodging (which sucks).

Oh, and here's recording of Christina Aguilera mangling the National Anthem.

And, finally, here's the lodging for Cowboys and Aliens, which was pretty cool.

Stay adjusted for more, Slappy.

Stay adjusted for more queer videos, news, reviews, interviews, and more from Comedy Examiner HQ in the near future, folks.  We've got every manner of hokum to ready you conversant and entertained during the week, so hit the 'Subscribe' fix up top to intend every forthcoming Comedy Examiner articles delivered straightforward to your inbox, liberated of charge, the time they're published...including whatever of our forthcoming Superbowl-related updates.



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