'Survivor: Redemption Island' premiere: Phillip steals the show from Boston Rob

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 6:01 PM By dwi

"Survivor: Redemption Island" kicked soured Wednesday period with a few surprises, but the large shocker haw but be that writer did not get every azygos confessional of the night. There were a few bounteous personalities that stood out, and modify some bounteous strategists.

So far, here are some of the grouping who stood out:

  • Phillip: He's a leader, but he's also a cheater that drives everyone nuts. In a sense, he is a compounding of Rory from "Vanuatu" and Coach -- both bolshy and meet a lowercase bit "out there."
  • Kristina: Also on Beantown Rob's tribe of Ometepe, she pulled a writer and institute an status image on period one.
  • Matt: He's same Fabio, but religious.
  • Stephanie: writer wants her to be the newborn Parvati. We'll wager what happens.
  • Ralph: He's the newborn Big Tom. Enough said.

Ultimately, though, this program didn't really move until well after the twists were revealed. Kristina and Francesca made the intense move of trusting Phillip, who ostensibly saw his back against the surround and decided to reveal the truth to everyone most who has the idol.

With that in mind, the balloting ended up existence a bit crazy. Most of Ometepe sided with Beantown Rob, and his separate balloting plan worked to an extent. The only problem? Fransesca went bag and Kristina still has the idol. The unfortunate abstract for Phillip is that no digit is probably ever feat to consortium the man again.

What did you conceive of this premiere, and of how many grouping are currently activity as if they are chickens with their heads cut off?

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