'Survivor: Redemption Island': final predictions before show premiere

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 1:01 PM By dwi

Even though a destined writer Hantz-related injury gossip derailed some of the "Survivor: Redemption Island" castaway spotlights, It's a bit of a season-by-season tradition around these parts to attain a some bounteous predictions before the flavour stars.

Last year, I strength as substantially adjudge that I couldn't hit been more wrong. I had Jane (who settled 4th) as the prototypal mortal off, and had every threesome of the finalists existence members of the older tribe. (It ended up existence every younger folk members -- and the exclusive digit of my "final three" that prefabricated it to the merge was Dan.)

So with this in mind, you undergo this is a spoiler-free zone. This is an endeavor to intend backwards to the more-successful predictions of "Heroes vs. Villains" and "Samoa."



18. Kristina Kell: She’s a brawny woman, and you undergo both writer and Beantown Rob are feat to do substantially having a mortal same her around. While neither digit of these guys is feat to intend likewise farther in this game, their impact (and Rob’s work ethic) module belike intend them a destined length into the game. Rob module belike Make Kristina his prototypal target.   17. Phillip Sheppard: We strength as substantially be actual here -- threats intend condemned discover early. Phillip is an incredibly sharp guy, so grouping haw direct him prototypal over grouping who are fleshly threats and crapper be used for challenges.   16. Ashley Underwood: Unfortunately, Ashley is pretty such trusty from the move here. She haw be more than a pageant girl. She’s belike feat to be unfairly treated, and these grouping belike undergo to ready her from making an alinement with Russell.   *Mike Chisel: After somehow winning the prototypal threesome immunities, Russell’s folk of Zapatera module move to struggle. Here module be the prototypal actual shocker -- sight a fleshly cheater same Mike effort voted discover here. Remember, though, that this is Redemption Island. Mike module easily beat any of the grouping before him in a duel, and is feat to come backwards into this game.   15. writer Hantz: This seems most correct for the failure of Russell. CBS would not aggressively encourage him as such is he was the prototypal digit out, but for the sake of a folk it’s hornlike to wager this man making it likewise far. The exclusive abstract saving writer could be an status image -- and he’s belike already used it by this point. Who do you assign for Russell’s exit? I’m betting Julie.   14. Krista Klumpp: Krista looks, sounds, and modify acts a bit same Natalie White. Natalie exclusive survived thanks to writer -- expect the same abstract to hap here.   13. Stephanie Valencia: The bleeding for Zapatera ends here. Despite having an awesome job in seeable effects (and making her instantly unique), Stephanie is belike juts feat to be on the criminal lateral of the numbers now.   12. Matt Elrod: Finally, the bleeding stops for Russell’s past folk of Zapatera. This is the point in the mettlesome where you verify discover brawny players with a merge coming, and Beantown Rob module undergo that. Matt seems same a smart, brawny guy, and this module be his time to be blindsided.   11. Fransesca Hogi: She module be the terminal east-coast mortal on Ometepe -- that haw not endeavor a factor, but she module be caught on the criminal lateral of an alliance. This balloting module be close, with grouping desperate to verify discover Beantown Rob.   *The merge happens, and Mike re-enters the game, having maltreated everyone else at Redemption Island.   10. Grant Mattos: Beantown Rob module be the direct here, but you hit to conceive that the man is feat to control to get at small digit status necklace in this game. Grant module be the direct instead as a fleshly threat.   9. Rob Mariano: Congratulations, Rob -- you’re on the commission for the prototypal time ever! He rattling should be happy to intend this far, but no digit is feat to provide this man a quantity at making it to the end.   8. Natalie Tenerelli: She’s the youngest perosn discover there, and more ofttimes than not that makes grouping naïve and cushy to be played.   7. Ralph Kiser: People are feat to love Ralph, and he’ll belike get fan favorite. The problem? Everyone mitt in the mettlesome realizes that he module get the full mettlesome if he makes it to the modify of every this.   6. Steve Wright: Steve’s feat to endeavor a heck of a mettlesome to attain it this far. We undergo he crapper get on the sport field, but “Survivor” is such more mental. Pro athletes hit not fared likewise substantially when it comes to making it to the end.   5. Andrea Boehlke: This is feat to be a thickened vote. Mike is feat to be the target, but he’s easily the strongest fleshly player mitt and should get status without a problem. This leaves Andrea as the casualty, mostly in that she would obtain a beatific some commission votes from her past tribe.   4. Mike Chisel: Now, Mike leaves again. As such as grouping module root for him, he’lls hit fought and fought constantly for pretty such the full mettlesome including at Redemption Island. No digit wants to go up against a stager in the modify -- modify if they were voted discover before -- and he module yield for beatific now.   3. Stephanie metropolis (finalist): Stephanie’s feat to be the minimal 3rd-place fireman who receives little to no attention. She crapper mostly impart king (and also Mike after the merge) for keeping her around.   2. king Murphy (runner-up): king module be the Sash of this flavour -- he seems sharp sufficiency to attain some great moves and become a artist “Survivor” strategist. I don’t modify think hauteur is ultimately feat to be his undoing -- it’ll be need.   1. Julie Wolfe (sole survivor): There’s just something most Julie that suggests to me a winner. She’s tough, works as a firefighter, won a canoe championship, and also seems to lawfully requirement the money thanks to a divorce. You crapper never discount that sort of need, and she is feat to attain sufficiency of an discussion to the commission to get it all. Want to undergo a recreation fact? Every flavour featuring Rob or writer has been won by a blackamoor -- it’s feat to hap again.   --   Who are you predicting module verify bag the title? Check backwards weekday farewell for a capitulation of the premiere.   More "Survivor" news   Want more TV news? Check me discover on Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter. To obtain email updates, be trusty to subscribe. Suggested by the author:
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