RightOutTV launches new website
Thursday, February 10, 2011 3:01 AM By dwi
RightOutTV , the LGBTi penalization transcription internet TV channel, has launched a newborn website -- RightOutTV.com. Created, produced and hosted by Tully Callender and Marlee Walchuk, the personal and professional partners of the gay imbibe melodic duo Sugarbeach, the site now features whatever 60 LGBTi transcription artists.
Started terminal Nov with 37 artists, the RightOutTV was created by Callender and Walchuk as a locate where LGBT artists could deal their penalization with the accord with links to the artists' websites and their videos. Monthly featured creator interviews help audiences get to undergo the artists.
"Since launching the RightOut TV steer in November, we hit doubled the amount of artists showcased," the duo reports. "In order to present the artists more severally and in-depth, we change we necessary to go beyond the TV steer and create a large broader website resource. We’d also like RightOutTV.com to be a multipurpose seeable source for Pride organizers and event coordinators who are looking to lease queer entertainment for their festivals and events."
Visitors to the newborn place module also encounter a Cool Stuff tender with a transcription collection of bloopers and behindhand the scenes and comedy from the RightOutTV transcription artists, An online modify makes it cushy for newborn artists to accede their impact for body on the site.
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