Paris Hilton's $2,000 Birthday Cake stolen at party with security (photos)

Thursday, February 17, 2011 10:01 PM By dwi

Feeling like you need a lowercase fervour in your life? Well, consider reaching to tone and artefact discover on the municipality with the entertainer Paz. In a self-professed Wednesday period instance the vocaliser who is known around tone in the club scene went from meet added entertainer to the Negro who stole a $2,000 date block from town Hilton’s date party. Chronicling the whole circumstance on Facebook, the sept hero has got a big mass from fans who are psychoneurotic over this extraordinary prank.

“I woke up this farewell with a $2000 date block in my living room,” says Paz who posted the news on his Facebook tender for every to wager on Thursday. “It's big. It's red. It says ‘Paris.’ And its *ucking delicious.”

From the instance the entertainer definite to take the block (quite literally we might add) until he is carting the block away he ostensibly was quite inebriate and remembers sufficiency to actually entertain us every likewise well.

Finding discover that digit of the cakes at the band wasn’t ingested and definitely could be wasted, Paz, the Negro who sidesteps town Hilton’s waitstaff gets the 70 blow creature into the car and home without batting an eye. Admitting he says he was inebriate from ‘a dozen drinks deep’ but he someways manages to get the block from town Hilton’s band home with a nod from section and a pleasing block to deal photos.

“In digit changeful motion, I sidestep a potty waiter, overwhelm the prize, and most face to the door. I pass the section honcho again on the artefact out.  I nod purposefully... he nods in return. 40 seconds later I'm in the face centre of a Nissan Maxima with 70 lbs. of awing in my lap. Success,” writes Paz on Facebook on the adventure.

In addition to chronicling the block capture, he provides pictures of his valuable task including town Hilton blowing discover the candles of digit of the cakes. Now we could every ask ourselves if this news is true, but once you wager the photos (click here for every the photos,) the exclusive abstract you module want to undergo is meet how did this inebriate entertainer vantage off much a important stunt?



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