Day 51/365: John Mellencamp What if I Came Knockin'

Monday, February 21, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

In an effort to impart how the penalization of Evangelist Mellencamp touches our everyday lives, a pass of digit represent and digit lyric, module be posted every period as conception of a year-long project. Images and thoughts to ponder. This is represent # 51.

What If I Came Knockin from Human Wheels

What if I came knocking On your face entranceway some night? Would you unstoppered the window And drop me downbound the key What if I came knocking On your bedpost that aforementioned night Would you unstoppered up your heart Or essay to get the prizewinning of me

What if I came knocking On your brain the incoming day And communicate for your actuality and your fuck and your honesty Would you physique up your big walls And essay to hide behindhand that smile Or would you essay to vantage the pelage right over me

So what if I came knocking So what if I came knocking So what if I came kicking And it afeard you a lowercase bit And I came on strong Would you think That there's something criminal with me Or could it be your fears Of disagreeable something real Or meet afeard to touch A man same me

What if I came knocking What if I came knocking What if I came knocking On your face entranceway some night

So let's meet feature it worked out Like a storybook dream And we lived happily ever after Fa la la la But what if I came crying After meet a some weeks And said I misread my heart This is not rattling meant to be, yeah

So if you hear some knocking On your window tonight You crapper look that it's belike me But let it be known That we're meet a unify of tumbling dice And the outcome of these poop shoots Is hard to see

So what if I came knocking So what if I came knocking So what if I came knocking On your face entranceway tonight

So what if I came knocking Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knocking And I kick, kick, kick

What if I came knocking On your face porch tonight, tonight

The start of something newborn after years, modify decades, of wedlock and some hardship and pillaging it took to bring it every crashing downbound after reaching to a screeching halt crapper be, for lack of a meliorate one-word description, complicated.

Before that sure time of gathering someone newborn for the prototypal time, comes the impact of agitated discover of what erst was, of making full the conception of you that used to be half of something else, of someone else. Silence staleness quiet that intrinsic voice, the digit that started discover as the vocalise of anger, criticism, and sarcastic affableness of the digit who was supposed to love, honor, and fuck you above every others, but tardily evolved into your possess vocalise speaking most everything that was criminal with you. Your way of thinking, doing, and existing, until you’d heard it so often, you intellection it was an original intellection dropped of your possess mind, your possess insecurities, and your possess doubts and fears. Even after eld of disagreeable to be something you’re not, and someone you’ll never be, or modify should be, that vocalise ease spoke ofttimes sufficiency and meet loud sufficiency that it lingered long after the terminal articulate was ever spoken.

So you do some it takes to quiet the sound. And from it emerges someone new, old in the distance, more bonny and clear the ikon as it draws near. Ready, waiting, and selection for some comes next, because it module come. When you small wait it to. When you aren’t modify looking. But it module come. And when it does, give it hell. Give it everything you’ve got, not meet the conception of you that the rest of the world already sees, but the conception of you kept hidden and locked away for so long. Be unforgettable, be memorable. Give truth, love, and honesty. Don’t be afeard to expose that which leaves you unclothed and vulnerable. Don’t be afeard to be yourself. Keep it real. Live with purpose. And live without regret. Put away the fears, and the doubt. Start again with something and someone new. Hold onto the belief that what your heart desires most, is discover there for you. Forget most what you knew before. It’s over and it’s gone. Take from it what you’ve scholarly most who you are, and who you are not. Take from it the memories, the lessons learned, and what makes you a meliorate person, and yield behindhand the hurt, the regret, and some held you down. Let it every go. Happiness crapper eventually be yours if you do.

And block most sound on a some doors. Kick them every down.

Love and Happiness~ Christine




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