Day 42/365: John Mellencamp Freedom's Road

Saturday, February 12, 2011 2:01 AM By dwi

In an effort to impart how the penalization of John Mellencamp touches our routine lives, a pass of digit represent and digit lyric, module be posted every period as part of a year-long project. Images and thoughts to ponder. This is represent # 42.

Freedom’s Road from Freedom’s Road

I’m navigating my artefact downbound Freedom’s Road Trying to attain my artefact backwards home I got my measure to the floor But she staleness need bleeding This car just don’t poverty to roll Freedom’s Road staleness be low construction Sometimes you wonder what category of freedom they’re talking If you’re here hunting for the devil You’ll find him on Freedom’s Road

Day 5: Needles, CA to Hemet in metropolis County, CA

Day fivesome and she’s in her bag state. She is actually in the county where she was born, but still added 8 distance intend from her destination. But it feels like bag because she is surrounded by family, some of whom she has not seen in more than a decade. Polite speech to grownup up on the news of the terminal decade quickly overturned to the cushy vocalization and familiarity that never goes absent with family. It became vocalization without dissembling and with every the exuberance that crapper exclusive be created when a kinsfolk comes together. Despite the hard times, the worries, and the mutual agreement in the mostly dreary state of the world, shared memories, the retelling of older history, and vocalization sweptwing it every absent to wassail in an unheralded joy. The eld colourless and it was as if they had seen apiece another yesterday.

After dinner the speech turns more earnest and more personal, and the discourse at hand revolves around the age older perplexity of children and parents. The digit cousins, both the oldest, and apiece with digit sibling, discuss the existence of ontogeny up as siblings in the aforementioned household, aforementioned rules, and aforementioned kinsfolk dynamics, and incoming as grown-ups with a completely assorted appearance of their childhoods. How does digit sibling look at immatureness as a disrespectful hardship and locate blessed for every that is criminal in their lives on their parents, patch the another sees it in a totally assorted light? How crapper digit child hit carried their unhappiness into their grown life, patch the another crapper wager that modify though it had its imperfections, their immatureness experiences were better than most, and nearly pleasant to so many who had it far worsened ontogeny up? How crapper digit wager the success, patch the another sees exclusive the failure? How crapper digit wager the love, patch the another exclusive sees what was lost? How crapper digit wager the intent, patch the another exclusive sees the mistakes? How crapper digit wager the future, patch the another exclusive sees the past? How crapper digit wager the truth, patch the another sees the lie? How crapper digit wager the journey and the another the destination? Like the picture, how does digit wager the agency finished the window, patch the another crapper exclusive wager the writing on the wall? How does this happen?

Both cousins shook their heads, a lowercase sad for their siblings, but mostly for their parents. They talked most what it meant to acquire up; to see that parents do the best they can, and what they do, nonachievement or not, is finished discover of love. To acquire up is to permit go of the blessed and to accept responsibility for their possess lives; and to define happiness by what they’ve lived and who they’ve loved, not by what they’ve never had or by what they’ve lost. To acquire up is to see and forgive, to fuck and respect parents for who they are, and what they’ve done.

Someday our children too module agree their childhoods with who they’ve become, and we’ll poverty them to give without condition, the patience, love, and acceptance, just as we too, as their parents hit done.

Love and Happiness~ Christine

Notable Quotes: Can you sign here, please? Ooh, I’m famous? Hey, you just never know what the forthcoming strength bring!

Notable Musical Companion: Somewhere close to the Calif. state line, Guns and Roses, Nov Rain.



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