Christian book quote of the week: The Girl in the Gatehouse

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi

This week’s excerpt comes from The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen. In Chapter 24 Mariah tells her companion Dixonthat no one module ever forgive her for what she has done. Dixonreplies by reminding her that

“God is farther more forgiving than grouping are… Society haw never forgive… God module forgive you if you communicate Him. Better yet, He module block it ever happened.”

When we do something wrong it can be hard for those around us to block it. They haw stop a bitterness against us for weeks, months or modify years before they forgive us, if they ever. God is not like that at all. No matter what we hit finished he always forgives us. Not exclusive that but he forgets what we hit finished forever, every we hit to do is communicate him.

Note: Click here to feature a analyse of The Girl in the Gatehouse.

Please write your selection faith book quotes in the Comments section, they haw be chosen for a forthcoming excerpt of the week. 

Soli Deo Gloria!



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